Legally Speaking Q&A: Missed End of TPT Tax

By: Arizona REIA Editor
Published on: 26/12/2024

Question: I just learned about the end of the TPT tax effective January 1, 2025.

NewsletterZona Law Group

Fair Housing Training - LMS

By: Arizona REIA Editor
Published on: 26/12/2024

Fair housing complaints are on the rise, and this is especially important for AZREIA members, who may not have a complete set of policies and procedures created to handle fair housing requests.

NewsletterZona Law Group

Legally Speaking Q&A Fair Housing Laws

By: Arizona REIA Editor
Published on: 03/12/2024

Question: I have 5 houses that I rent on a regular basis.

NewsletterZona Law Group

The FTS and "Deceptive Trade Practices"

By: Arizona REIA Editor
Published on: 03/12/2024

Have you ever been looking into a business, and questioned whether the reviews were actually real and unbiased reviews?

NewsletterZona Law Group